
I'm currently based in Austin, TX.

I studied integral psychology at California Institute of Integral Studies and underwent training at Golden Gate Integral Counseling Center.

Through training and working with MAPS on the MDMA assisted therapy clinical trials, I have come to deeply believe in the healing power of psychedelic assisted therapy for treating trauma.

My Story and how I came to this work

Our most painful life experiences are sometimes the most powerful and sacred initiations to step into our higher selves. Many times, when we are in the depths of our suffering, we are dealing with too much to see this truth. These moments can be painfully blinding, and if we can just get enough support in learning how to surrender with an open heart we can begin to see what Spirit has in store for us. 

My path to becoming a healing facilitator is much like Carl Jung’s archetype of the wounded healer which is the idea that our own suffering, pain and trauma teaches us lessons we need to learn which then become our greatest tools.

My deep healing journey began when my Mother unexpectedly left her body. 

I was 22 years old and made the decision to dive into my grief head on. I became a student of grief, exploring every modality of healing I could get my hands on which brought me to where I am today, dedicating my life to helping others navigate their way through the dark and confusing moments that life presents to us as grist for the mill in becoming wise.

M.A. in Counseling Psychology, CIIS

The Soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.
— Carolyn Myss